Top 5 reasons why a Dragonfly Kite Safari in Egypt is the best place to learn how to kitesurf

You can learn to kitesurf anywhere there’s wind and water. True… but not every place is equal. If you want to quickly, safely, and confidently become an independent kitesurfer the best place in the world is in Egypt on a Dragonfly Kite Safari. Why? Here are five reasons:

kitesurfing lessons on a Dragonfly Kite Safari in Egypt on the Red Sea

1] Shallow, obstacle-free water: Learning in shallow water is essential. Being able to stand up at any point to collect yourself, your board, and your kite will allow you to rapidly learn the basics. In shallow water, you can easily walk back to your instructor rather than helplessly floating downwind in deep water as you struggle with body dragging and self-rescue (both important skills to master, but a major hurdle when trying to learn the basics of kitesurfing). And the shallow water at the spots we go to during a Dragonfly Kite Safari has no rocks, sea urchins, or other sharp objects that could injure your feet.

2] Warm water: No one wants to be cold. No one wants to wear a wetsuit. Especially while on vacation! And especially while learning to kitesurf! During the summer months from June to September, the Red Sea is a blissful 25 degrees—perfect! You can comfortably spend all day in the water wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts and lycra top or rashguard.

3] Clean, consistent winds: Nothing worse than not being able to take your kite lessons due to no wind. You definitely won’t have that problem in Egypt! Tawila, Geisum, Ashrafi, and the other islands north of Hurghada where we sail our Dragonfly Kite Safaris see a historical average of 80% kiteable wind from June through September, usually pumping around 20 to 25 knots. We often go weeks without a wind-free day—seriously, weeks! And forget about gusty conditions—the wind comes across the sea from the north/northeast with no obstructions. This is as clean and consistent wind as you will ever find.

4] Flat water: While learning, you want the water to be free of waves and chop—then you’ll have optimal conditions to focus on board control and riding rather than getting pushed around by rough water. The Red Sea is incredibly calm and all of the spots we go to during the kite safari are calm bays and reef-protected lagoons.

5] Uncrowded spots: On a Dragonfly Kite Safari, we take you to exclusive Red Sea locations that are only accessible by boat. The islands we sail through are our own private archipelago of kitesurfing bliss! No crowded kite stations or resorts—you’ll be kiting in huge areas that you have virtually to yourself, which provides a no-pressure environment to learn in.